David Gulyan
“Aside from being one of the only fully stocked strength facilities in NYC, the environment is incredibly welcoming and encouraging. Lifelong friendships have been made here at SNS ”
What motivates you as a coach?
“As a teen just getting started, I spent hundreds of hours training in a gym effectively wasting my time. In the dark ages before instagram, there weren’t many ways to seek guidance or to be put on the correct path. I want to be what I didn’t have - an experienced, knowledgable, confident coach that not only talks the talk, but walks the walk.”
“Though my weakest lift, the squat would be my favorite. There’s a certain poise to the movement. So many beautiful things the human body can do are all combined into one graceful moment.”
How do you help people achieve their goals?
“In a sea of information, I use my experience to weed through what works and what doesn’t. My athletes can rest assured that their coaching experience will be backed by evidence based techniques combined with decades of personal trial and error.”
“The most important thing is to find a Coach who cares about their athletes in and out of the gym. I believe that a personal connection leads to greater communication which is the key to a great Coach-Athlete relationship.”
David has written a free program for all members of Squats and Science.
Get Jacked AGAIN
“Want to see gains in both size and strength? This is the program for you. Designed for those who have already established a strong foundation of fitness, we focus on repetition, the core of hypertrophy training. This program utilizes compound movements to engage multiple muscle groups at once while incorporating isolation exercises to ensure every muscle gets attention. Let’s get this work.”